Ground Squirrel Control

At High Desert Wildlife Control LLC, we receive more calls about Ground Squirrel infestations than all other species combined. Ground squirrels exist in every county in California, and our desert climate is favorable to them as long as they have food sources.  Unfortunately, California Ground Squirrels are not native to the Mojave Desert Region, and are highly invasive. They also cause serious harm to native species of animals and plants due to their aggressive nature. Classified by the California Department of Food and Agriculture as a serious pest species, they cause countless millions of dollars in damage annually. They are carriers of fleas and ticks that can cause serious illnesses, death, or just plain misery for pets, livestock, and humans. In addition to fleas and ticks, burrows may harbor Assassin Bugs, called Conenose Bugs or Kissing Bugs.

The “cliff notes” version of CA ground squirrel control:

Squirrel trapping
~  Relocation of ANY species of wildlife in this state is 100% illegal. Either release on site where trapped or dispatch on site.
~   All traps in the state of California must be permanently labeled with identification number is provided by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. This includes homeowners using traps on their own property.
~  Drowning and allowing animals to die in traps is illegal, (and yes…it is cruel) regardless of species, and can earn you felony animal cruelty charge in California.
~  Homeowners are bound by ALL state trapping laws and regulations.
~  CA ground squirrels are not native to the high desert region, and destroy property in the hundreds of millions of dollars annually.
~  All ground squirrels carry significant flea loads. Those who are self trapping need to be aware of what they are exposing themselves to.
~  Placing a trap in an area with colonies of ground squirrels is like trying to use a squirt bottle on a wildfire.  

No two properties are alike when addressing ground squirrel infestations, and the methods we use to control infestations vary.

White-tailed Antelope and Round Tailed Ground squirrels are not a listed nuisance species but can be destructive under the right circumstances. The antelope ground squirrel nor the round-tailed ground squirrel should not to be confused with the Mohave ground squirrel, which has long been listed as a threatened species, and is protected under the Endangered Species Act.  


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Issues arise when ground squirrels find accessible food sources and places to live in which there are few predators. They are attracted to tree crops, (all fruits and nuts) bird feeders, livestock (due to grain fed to livestock and chickens,) unsecured trash, vegetable gardens, golf courses, vineyards, landscaping, pet food, trees, water, and commercial crops. With countless all-you-can-eat buffets, they can cache impressive amounts of food within their extensive burrow systems, to be eaten later. As a result, they reproduce readily, causing populations to spiral out of control.

To add to this problem, some people feed ground squirrels on purpose. In California, feeding wildlife-is illegal.

In remote desert areas, California ground squirrels aren’t seen.  They require human activity to survive.   Uncontrolled ground squirrel colonies don’t leave; they only grow larger-and spread. Ignoring a ground squirrel infestation will not make it go away. Once established, the problem only escalates.

Often, the impact of a ground squirrel infestation goes unnoticed until domestic pets (dogs and cats) suddenly turn up with fleas and ticks. Unfortunately, fleas and ticks can be much more than an annoyance, and find their way into your home.

Ground squirrels live in burrows. The burrows and tunnels of California Ground squirrels cause livestock (and humans) to fall through the top layer of soil or into burrow entrances, causing  falls and leg injuries. They love to dig burrows next to solid objects and, as a result, can severely damage or destroy the integrity of building foundations, retaining walls, roads, patios, and flood control systems. When burrowing into hillsides, they cause soil instability and erosion, resulting in landslides, and destroying vehicle and electrical wiring by chewing is a prevalent activity.

We genuinely understand how unpleasant and frustrating it can be to tackle not only an infestation of squirrels but also the costly damage they cause.

Since no two infestations are alike, we tailor a plan targeting the specific problems ground squirrels are creating. Timing is everything. Ground squirrels have unique activity patterns, and we target infestations according to their natural biological cycles.

While many people wish to be kind to ground squirrels, releasing them to other areas is not only irresponsible, doing so is illegal, and anything but kind.   Released squirrels often starve to death or die of exposure. Others find their way to a nearby inhabited area and start the process of causing damage all over again. People who release squirrels may also spread an undetecteddisease to a new location, making early detection by county and state vector control authorities impossible.

Please visit our Releasing Trapped Wildlife page for more information.

We never use poison to address problems with ground squirrels or other wildlife species. 

We use humane methods only, as required by California law, and based on the recommendations of the American Veterinary Medical Association. We feel that all wildlife should be treated with respect. Please see our FAQ for more details.

More Information

Lyme Disease-San Bernardino County

CDC: Reported Cases of Human Plague in the United States 1970-2012

Common Source Outbreak of Relapsing Fever — Big Bear California

Plague Found in Ground Squirrels-San Diego

Campground Closed After Ground Squirrel Tests Positive for Plague-Los Angeles County

Plague Detected in Lake Tahoe Area